Ancient Mahori cult

Paul Gauguin

Ed. Pierre Berés, La Palme, Paris, 96 pages

Dimensions: 22.8 x 18.3 cm

Cardboard in colour lithography by Mourlot, faithfully reproducing Gauguin's notebook. 96 pages including 54 full colour offset reproductions for the text and watercolours.

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Ed. Pierre Berés, La Palme, Paris, 96 pages

Dimensions: 22.8 x 18.3 cm

Hardcover in lithography in colors by Mourlot, faithfully reproducing the notebook of Gauguin. 96 pages including 54 of full color offset reproduction for the text and watercolors.

Gauguin's manuscript "L'ancien culte Mahorie" is reproduced in full from the original in the Musée du Louvre (Cabinet des dessins, RF. 10.755.).

At the end of the manuscript are two extremely faint pencil sketches by Gauguin, which are not part of the illustration for "L'Ancien culte Mahori" and have not been reproduced. The cover of the original manuscript is made of a kind of Tahitian fiber on which Gauguin has painted a decoration and inscribed the title of the work; the spine and endpapers are made of a checked cloth. René Huyghe's study was specially written for the present original edition of "L'Ancien culte Mahori".