Poems by Sapho

Marie Laurencin


Éditions Compagnie Française des Arts Graphiques, Paris

Dimensions: 22.5 x 15 cm.

66 pages. Poems by Sappho translated by Edith de Beaumont and illustrated with 23 black etchings, including a frontispiece.

Condition: Dusty and damp. Case damaged.



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Filled white cover with title in gray on front cover and spine, blue-green and pink slipcase, 66 pages. Poems by Sappho translated by Edith de Beaumont and illustrated with 23 black etchings, including a frontispiece, by Marie Laurencin.

- 1 on Auvergne with an original drawing, etching tests, a suite of the 1st state of the plates, 2 suites (Japon and Lana teinté)
- 20 on Auvergne with an original drawing, a suite of the 1st state of the etchings and a suite on Lana
- 4 HC, identical to the above
- 133 on Lana
- 20 HC, marked A to T

One of 133 copies on pur fil Lana paper.

Condition: Dusty and damp. Case damaged.